Saturday, July 28, 2007



Charismatic singer, songwriter, S. Davis has been blessing audiences with his soulful vocals since his early childhood. Born Steven Davis, in Toronto, Canada on May 16th 1986, he has always been musically inclined. His parents, stage actress Alma James and reggae artist road manager Teddy Davis provided S.Davis with the, “born to do it” genetics that only a handful of artists possess. Steven began singing at the early age of three. He was constantly entertaining and often sang while being pushed around in his stroller. Some of his earliest performances took place in daycare, elementary school talent showcases and in church. It was in elementary school where showed especial promise and his peers and teachers acknowledged that his love of music was beyond a hobby, it was a unique gift. His musical gift became more apparent when he learned to play the piano by ear as a young boy.

A performance of Donnell Jones’ “Where I Wanna Be”, in 2001 marked the launch of S. Davis’ musical career. The stage was set for S.Davis to turn his hobby into a professional aspiration. This meant that the young artist would have to sacrifice and practice, in order to refine his craft. Holding on firmly to his goals he began seeking performances at community events and continues to be a crowd favourite. His comfort level performing is evident to anyone who has had the opportunity to witness him live on stage. While rehearsing for the FLOW 93.5 FM, Urban Idol audition, S. Davis caught the ear of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen’s director. He was immediately given a role in the movie as a choir member.

S. Davis is currently recording his first EP and intends to continue making a name for himself. He is a talented writer who is able to convey emotions to his listeners through his impeccable range and through his lyrics. He is a student of voice and respects the gift he has been given by regularly practicing and studying vocal concepts, including vocal health and techniques. He is a dedicated, driven, talented singer, songwriter, actor and dancer, who is already drawing comparisons to a young Usher. He hopes to touch the hearts of all who hear him by sending the message that perseverance and hard work does lead to success. S.Davis is truly the new and defining voice of the next generation.


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