Thursday, August 23, 2007



Hip-Hop is what I produce. Lyrics and Beats transcend from the mind. Come and take this journey with me as I try to REVOLUTIONIZE Hip-Hop!!! I do this for the love of music and not for material gain If the money comes, so be it. Let it be known that I am led by GOD and not by man. Melodiq has been bringing flavorful Hip-Hop since 1994. Born and raised in Syracuse, NY fusing Hip-Hop, Soul and Jazz has been at the forefront of Melodiq's production. Influences like A Tribe Called Quest and Gangstarr has paved the way for Melodiq to bring his style to the hip-hop community. As long as there is Hip-Hop, Soul and Jazz in existence, Melodiq will become the next trailblazer.

Saturday, July 28, 2007



With all the R&B groups out these days, it’s hard to find one that really stands out. One group is about to change all that. Their name is Untitled and their innovative, R&B style is about to take the world by storm. Untitled is an R&B/Soul trio dedicated to making music that soothes, moves, and stirs the soul. Each of Untitled's three members brings his own unique style: Temi, the R&B crooner; Sammy, the silky smooth vocalist; and David, the gospel-rooted soul singer. Sam and Tem have been singing together since the age of six. David happened to come into the picture a few years down the road in junior high. They all became friends but never knew of each others talent. Later on down the road, Sam and Tem heard David sing and from then on, it was on...and now they have been singing together for about 5 years and will continue to sing to together, for their love of the music. They are also pursuing a record deal with a few labels at this present time.

August 17, 2007

Speck Nasty

Speck Nasty


Speck Nasty, (Government title: Jason McNeill) was born in Toronto's East General Hospital. The result of an unplanned pregnancy, Speck stormed out of the womb and has been hustling ever since. In his first 7 years on the planet, Speck and his family (which now included a younger brother) was uprooted several times. Finally, after being evicted from a basement apartment, they settled in Thorncliffe Pk. (a small urban utopia in the Don Mills & Eglinton region of the city.) It is his experiences there that would come to shape the mind that makes the music.

Growing up, Speck was constantly tormented by the ever-blurring line between what's right and what's real. Raised by a hard-working father and a church going mother at home, as well a not-so-by-the-book surrogate family in the streets, Speck has learned to work that line to his advantage. Seeing both sides of the fence allowed Speck to address the world from a balanced and impartial perspective, while also forming some very staunch opinions on life, society, government, relationships etc... Thus began the running commentary we now call a "list of works".

In an industry where authenticity is little more than a punch-line for a bad joke, Speck is a beacon of light for the every-man. He remains true to his short-comings while at the same time holding an almost obscene air of conceit that could choke a baby unicorn. This "My faults are perfect" mentality, combined with his relentless need to understand and explain social norms and anomalies, make the music and the persona both desirable and identifiable.
His confidence is enigmatic, his style is unique, his hustle is real, and his name is Speck Nasty.

In 2001, Speck teamed up with producer J. Steidman of synaptic gap productions to release the "Rebirth" EP under the alias J-Spitz. The effort garnered moderate commercial success, and the first single "Mantis Love" received praise from critics. After the release of "Rebirth" Speck went into recluse to somewhat reinvent himself... this hiatus would come to be known as the birth of Speck Nasty. In 2004 Specks reemerged to collaborate with Chuckles D. Glutton of House of Blooze, to headline the Rhyme and Punishment tour. He also released collaborations with child-hood friend Lady Coleco, Big Sin, and R&b singer Hailey Thompson. Currently Specks is working on his first full length release, due in 2007.

August 17, 2007




To find a style that is pure street, while still delivering jaw dropping bangers for the club scene, look no further than Henny. He was born Matt Hendriks in September of 1986 in the small town of Peterborough, Ontario. It is an area with a very limited hip-hop scene. This made Henny thrived for exposure. He spent his time cutting mixtape tracks from his run-down inner-city apartment. He knew however that he had to get out of Peterborough to further his career. Working with other MC’s and Hip Hop Producers outside of his home town helped Henny transform his past-time into a lyrical work of art. He was no longer just doing mixtape tracks but focusing on tracks that could play on the radio and gain the attention of the industry. He knew he had to focus on putting together his own original music for his fans. What makes Henny's work distinctive is that he breaks the Canadian M.C. stereotype. Just listen to anyone of his songs and it sounds like nothing you’ve heard before.

While working on his new material he spent time perfecting himself on stage. He has rocked numerous venues through-out the Greater Toronto Area solidifying himself as a true entertainer. He has a fan base that keeps growing with each performance. Henny has the ability to leave the listeners amazed at his ability making them want more. His music will be featured on a series of mixtapes, compilations & albums in the next few months followed by his first EP due later this year

Henny, also dubbed Young Hendrix, is a true definition of Unsigned hype.

August 17, 2007




Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario Devastator has been performing since the age of 10 and has performed in numerous shows in the Greater Toronto Area and the Durham Region. The Devastator is an off the roof lyricist that enjoys a good battle. Performing at school concerts and other musical events Devastator has a track record of being very versatile both musically and lyrically.
At the age of 16 Devastator found his Niche in Hip Hop music. His debut Hip Hop performance took place at the Jenner Jam a local event that promotes hip-hop battles amongst the local talents in Thorncliffe and Flemington Park area. The Devastator is the undefeated champion for 4 years running at the Jenner Jam “He is a delight to listen too” according to the neighborhood youths in the Ghetto.
Now 24 years old this high-energy young man is working on his first album. He has recorded several songs at STAZZ Production studios. With tracks titled That G, Love Me and See That Money. This talented hip-hop artist is the silver lining that exists in a cloud.

August 17, 2007



Born in the Middle East, a refuge to North America and raised in Canada,
Hossein Nazari AKA Dr SWO truly encompasses the trials and tribulations
many face in the journey to a new and unfamiliar world. As an only child, Dr
SWO and his parents started out in a shelter and moved their way up through
society, living in some of the worst conditions imaginable to where they are
living today. With no family close by, Dr SWO was raised like a child in a
pack of wolves in every city he lived in, learning to appreciate and live
with the different cultures and backgrounds of the people surrounding him.
It is through this path of life that Dr SWO came to appreciate and learn the
culture of HIP HOP, as true HIP HOP represents and encircles the trials and
tribulation of life.

However, the music that Hossein takes refuge in, HIP
HOP, is taking a turn for the worst. It is true that all cultures change,
but HIP HOP is heading down the wrong direction with unskillful MC’s and
Derogatory lyrics overtaking the airwaves. NAS says it best “HIP HOP is
dead”. But like a skillful surgeon, Dr SWO operates on words to bring them
back to life, and it is his goal, to prove that hip hop is not dead, and is
very much alive in the minds of true MC’s. Dr SWO is an enigma that has
surfaced from Hossein Nazari's Lyrics. This counterpart was created as a
result of the unrealistic and glorified rap that has been invading the
airwaves. What the 'rap game' needs is a representative to step up and tell
the truth. Tell the story how it should be; not how it might be.

With the awakening of Dr SWO, the music industry has a new face to contend with.




Charismatic singer, songwriter, S. Davis has been blessing audiences with his soulful vocals since his early childhood. Born Steven Davis, in Toronto, Canada on May 16th 1986, he has always been musically inclined. His parents, stage actress Alma James and reggae artist road manager Teddy Davis provided S.Davis with the, “born to do it” genetics that only a handful of artists possess. Steven began singing at the early age of three. He was constantly entertaining and often sang while being pushed around in his stroller. Some of his earliest performances took place in daycare, elementary school talent showcases and in church. It was in elementary school where showed especial promise and his peers and teachers acknowledged that his love of music was beyond a hobby, it was a unique gift. His musical gift became more apparent when he learned to play the piano by ear as a young boy.

A performance of Donnell Jones’ “Where I Wanna Be”, in 2001 marked the launch of S. Davis’ musical career. The stage was set for S.Davis to turn his hobby into a professional aspiration. This meant that the young artist would have to sacrifice and practice, in order to refine his craft. Holding on firmly to his goals he began seeking performances at community events and continues to be a crowd favourite. His comfort level performing is evident to anyone who has had the opportunity to witness him live on stage. While rehearsing for the FLOW 93.5 FM, Urban Idol audition, S. Davis caught the ear of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen’s director. He was immediately given a role in the movie as a choir member.

S. Davis is currently recording his first EP and intends to continue making a name for himself. He is a talented writer who is able to convey emotions to his listeners through his impeccable range and through his lyrics. He is a student of voice and respects the gift he has been given by regularly practicing and studying vocal concepts, including vocal health and techniques. He is a dedicated, driven, talented singer, songwriter, actor and dancer, who is already drawing comparisons to a young Usher. He hopes to touch the hearts of all who hear him by sending the message that perseverance and hard work does lead to success. S.Davis is truly the new and defining voice of the next generation.
